BIBF takes part in the GCC Banking Institutes and Faculties 31st meeting
BIBF recently participated in the 31st meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Commission of Banking Institutes and Colleges, aimed at exchanging experience and knowledge between Gulf banking & finance institutes and coordinating a number of joint initiatives to support banking and finance education and training in the region.
The meeting was held in Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where BIBF’s Deputy Director, Dr. Ahmed AbdulGhani AlShaikh represented Bahrain. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Dosari, Director General of the Institute of Finance in Saudi Arabia with other management members of banking institutes and colleges in the GCC.
The delegation discussed the latest developments and best practices in the field of banking and finance education and training, as well as opportunities and initiatives to strengthen the unity of the Council, and exchange experience and best practices in relevant fields.
The meeting discussed the latest developments in the work and initiatives of a common development strategy in the field of training and education, banking in the region, and discuss opportunities to strengthen joint action, as well as the exchange of experiences and best practices in this regard.
During the meetings, opportunities of cooperation and benefits from joint expertise were discused, in addition to strategic partnerships in higher education and professional qualifications, as well as access to applications and best practices in the areas of education, training, and experience in training in the financial sector.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Shaikh, BIBF’s Deputy Director, highlighted the importance of training opportunities for joint cooperation and taking advantage of international experience in the promotion of Bahraini and the Gulf experience in general, and their active participation in the preparation of human capital within the financial sector in particular, and the creation of local sustainability opportunities to meet the aspirations of the growing labour market.
He further noted the role of training and financial education institutions in providing specialised skills training for the labour market, to ensure the reliability and quality of programmes and qualifications provided reflect the growing demands of the market, and pour in to support the continuous training and development of human capital development in the region.